Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Studious Summer School Students

Tomorrow we will be working on alliteration in poetry and creating a drawing using geometric patterns. I hope most of you have your supplies ready for tomorrow.

As discussed today if you do not finish your 3 sets of Math homework during the regular school week, it will become your weekend homework. Also, for those who have had their assignments checked, remember to make as many corrections as you can before your final grade.

This Saturday will be the first day of your reading journal entries. You must submit at least one entry for Saturday AND Sunday by Monday morning. To keep you on tract, remember to take the number of pages you have and divide them by about 20 (depending on the number of pages; some of you may need a few more days). Once you start the reading process on Saturday, you will not stop until your book is complete. Around week 3 or 4, we will be working on presenting your book to the class.

If you have any questions, please post a comment below. - Mrs. B

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