Sunday, June 22, 2008


Tomorrow will be week 2. We will be finishing our projects on Monday. If you did not turn in your Math assignments on Friday, you will need to turn them in tomorrow. The Food for Thoughts are posted and you have until Wednesday morning, 8 am, to post a comment for one of the 2, either #3 or #4. Students who have not brought in your supplies for Math, please do so this week in order to maximize our classroom time together.

You will need graphing paper and measuring tape for this week's Math project. For Language Arts you will need to do some research, which we will discuss in class. I will clue you in tomorrow. BTW, great job on those narrative stories and I'll tell you the winners of the contests tomorrow. - Mrs. B


Shanelle Sebastian said...

i need help for the historical project
i tried going on the and i didnt get anythingg

Anonymous said...

You don't need to go to that site. You may use whatever resources you need to get what you require. Thank you for letting me know your concerns. - Mrs. B